Sunday, November 2, 2008

Check out this video that I just made about everything...and using the new song from Switchfoot, "Oh! Gravity".

Make sure to embed it and use it in your profiles on!

And if you don't have an account on Tools and Jewels, then just go to the site and create an account. It's easy...and you know I'm not talking about my blog,, right?

Anywho, do it!!!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's Been a While

Hey, so I know it's been a while, but things have been more...hectic I guess I could say.
But, I have a video for you that I made for YouTube. It was originally meant for Tools and Jewels but the space is too small, and besides, The Macaroni Noodle needs some love!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


E-mail The Macaroni Noodle. Click here to E-mail us!



Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Okay, so I know how I said that I would be making another "remix" collaboration soon, but I changed it up a bit. I had a vision, and it took me places! Just joking, well kind of. But, I tried really hard on this slideshow thing. The videos are of poorer quality than those you might see on TV, but it's only because I took the videos on a camera. Hope you enjoy! Here it is:

P.S. It takes a couple seconds to load, so don't get frustrated when it doesn't appear the second you click PLAY. Okay, that's settled. Also, if you want to write a fully worded letter to us, and how you love our blog (haha, yeah), then don't forget that you can E-MAIL! Hello! It is I feel like I'll have to program that into anybody's brain!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hey, Hey Everyone, Gather Around!

I have just finished creating a masterpiece, haha, no, it is just a slideshow, but it is pretty cool! Here is the slideshow:



Friday, June 20, 2008

New Creation

I have added something new to The Macaroni Noodle, and it happens to be a chatroom. So leave messages there if you want, or schedule a conversation with someone. It's there for talking! But, just make sure to be kind to our blog, and look at what I have posted in the past and recently!

Always remember that you can E-mail us too at!



Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Apple Mystery

A strange occurance has is apple. And it kind freaked me out a little bit.

What do you think happened to it?



Monday, June 9, 2008


There has been a removal on The Macaroni Noodle!

Bum bum bum! Yes, it IS The Playlist.

I pretty much figured that it was a bit of an inconvenience, so I deleted it. If people think that it wasn't an issue, then I will gladly put it back up, but let's take a break from that for now, and enjoy the fresh new videos Bobby and I made!

They are below!



New Videos, New Reports, New Pictures!

Okay, so it has been pretty rainy for the past couple of days here in Western Washington, including pretty ferocious winds.

Fortunately, Bobby and I have captured some of Nature's Beauty, in action...we call it The Weather Report for The Macaroni Noodle. We have two videos, and two pictures. I might just add one picture, depending on which one is better.

Here is another video, after it got miraculously sunny:

I've decided to post both of the pictures:



Friday, June 6, 2008

New Posts

Since things are going a little slow over here at The Macaroni Noodle, and I don't want everyone to be completely disappointed, there are some new things over at my blog and I thought if you don't find everything you need over here, come visit mine. I need viewers too!


Monday, June 2, 2008

So Sorry

Things have been a little hectic, so I haven't been able to film anything, plus I left my cam at my grandma', that's quite impossible.

Bobby and I weren't able to get a hold of Zek, but we're hoping that next weekend he can come over, and we can make some awesome videos for everyone!

In the meantime, once I get me camera back, I will make some videos of me and Bobby!
I know, if might not be that exciting but it still works, right?



Friday, May 30, 2008


Update: It is now officially the weekend, and you know what that means, right? It means that Zek will get in touch, meaning he will see us and we can continue this. But, don't you think it's been a little long. We plan to use these two days to our advantage!

Just to let everyone know, I have set the blogger to only show seven posts, so...if you want to see our very first post, or the posts that have Bobby and Zek's videos, you can always go to the panel at the right of this > and click on the subject. It's a whole lot easier, trust me.I just don't want this page to be too long, understand?



Thursday, May 29, 2008

Newly Posted

Edit: Just to let you know, when you click on something, the song goes away, it will not stay playing when you click on another post, or click the back button. The playlist will play another song. So, I suggest, if you want to keep listening to that song, just stay on that page until it's done, or go to the page you want, find the song, and start it over again! Whew. That's all.

Okay, so I have got a playlist up, and you can hear it once you get on the blogspot. It automatically goes. Now, I just wanted to say that there is a mix of songs on the playlist, some that I don't like, some that I do like. I wasn't going to add a music player that had songs on it that I just liked, because it's mine, Bobby's, and Zek's blog, and they would get really mad at me if I did that.

Zek likes Rap, and Hip-hop. I tried to get as many rap songs as I knew onto the music player, but I don't listen to that genre. So, I will ask him through MySpace.

Brenden listens to Christian music. I listen to some of it, but not all, and I don't know any artists or songs in the genre, so I will ask him.

I like Country music, and just everything! If I like a song, I like a song. Doesn't matter what type of music it is. I'll listen to it. But, mainly Country.

So, as you can see, it is a wide range of likings.

I am still looking for more songs! E-mail is:! E-mail us, now!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some Leads...

Edit: I have got some more suggestions.

They are:

  • Nick Cave
  • The Traveling Wilburys
  • Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers and
  • Gwar's Sick of You

Thanks to this person, and I still need some more suggestions! Keep 'em comin'!

Okay, so I have had some suggestions for my song mission!

I was recommended songs by Five Man Electrical Band, with two songs that were highly regarded by my suggester!

They were:

  • Signs and
  • I'm a Stranger Here

So, hurry up and E-mail, listing all the songs you think I should seriously consider!



Video Anouncement!

Okay, I know this is the same update, but I wanted to make it loud and clear! It's the same sort of thing that was on my [our] last blog, but I thought everyone would be more interested if they saw a video instead.

I've already got the playlist made and sorted out, and now all I need are the tracks!



Update 2

We are still looking for music selections.

You can E-mail the suggestions you have to! You can send artists or song titles. However, don't recommend something too vulgar. If it is too bad, I won't add it.


  • Country
  • Rap
  • Hip-Hop
  • Pop
  • R&B
  • Jazz
  • Blues
  • Bluegrass
  • Classical
  • Rock
  • Punk Rock
  • Indie
  • Metal
  • Techno
  • Etc.



Monday, May 26, 2008


This is not the update you were expecting, but anyone who likes music, post comments on this blog, because we are looking to put music on here, and we need suggestions!



Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day to all who come in here and read our blogs! It has truly been a magical Memorial Day Weekend. Not just for the fact that we get to miss school for three days, but also for the reason of actually paying respect to all of our deceased family members.

I went to put flowers on gravestones yesterday, seeing that I was at my grandma's and she lives next to all the cemeteries where all our dead family members are.

We first put flowers on Maya, who was a little baby girl born by my aunt. She died when she was only a couple months old. Bless her soul, she was the most beautiful baby in the world.

My grandma's mother's tombstone was right next to Maya's, so we put flowers on hers too. I wish I could have met her, she seemed like a very sweet woman. My grandma said that once you walked in her house you HAD to be fed. And she pickled everything.

Next, my aunt, Jennifer, her daughter, Emma, and her boyfriend went to put flowers on other gravestones. I don't know which ones because I got in the car with my grandma and drove with her to the exit.

We then went to a different cemetery, where my grandma's grandfather was buried, and I believe also her father...I'm not sure. But, anyway, her grandfather was the mayor of that town, so his gravestone was highly appreciated. It was nice to spend a day with my family, and get to do what I did. It was a great honor, and I wish that I had done it years earlier, when I was just excited for the missed day of school, and I didn't do anything for Memorial Day. That was my mistake.

Bobby went with. I forgot to mention that.

I don't know what Zek did for Memorial Day, but I will definately get in touch, so he can tell me what he did, then I'll update this post telling what he did word for word.



Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Video

Here is a video filmed by me. It was made some time ago when all three of us were making The Talking Llama, remember?

Well, I think this is pretty funny.

Check it out!


Saturday, May 24, 2008


So, of course, we have to rely on location to make our videos, and with Ezekiel living in a different place than Bobby and I, we cannot see each other everyday, so the next video or pictures may come in the next couple of days.

I just wanted to say Happy Early Memorial Day!


An Introduction Video

Edit: I made another one, and this is a special video, including own stupidity from our Ezekiel!

Hey, I have just made a video of Bobby and Ezekiel saying, "hey."



A New Introduction

Edit: Ezekiel wanted to to tell me that he wants you to check out his MySpace pofile!

We are The Macaroni Noodle, and soon we will be creating our own webshow, called The Macaroni Noodle Entertainment.

We consist of myself, Cameraman, or Chelisa, my brother, Bobby, and our friend, Ezekiel. This isn't our first blogspot. We recently had another called The Talking Llama, but some personal issues happened concerning the webshow we were going to make. We had no editing process. But, now we have an easy system that edits all our videos, and so, as soon as possible, we will put up our very first video!

I am in charge of writing all of our blogs since I type the fastest, and I am better at punctuation and things like that. I am also the cameraman, hense the name Camerman. I film all the upcoming shows, and edit them with my colleagues.

Bobby is one of the hosts, who just happens to be my brother. He is a fun-loving, charismatic person, who is also a little moody, and together with Ezekiel, they offer the right kind of chemistry.

Ezekiel has been our friend for a few months. Bobby and I used to be his next door neighbor, but we just recently moved, and we don't see him as often. But, all three of us have banded together and have sworn to make this blogspot happen!

E-mail us at!
